Green Cell Battery A41-K56 A32-K56 A42-K56 for Asus K56 K56C K56CA K56CB K56CM R505 S56


Warranty: 12 months; Cells manufacturer: Green Cell; Voltage: 14.4V (14.8V); Number of cells: 4; Cells technology: Li-Ion; Colour: Black; Overdischarge protection: Yes; Overcharge protection: Yes; Product code: AS47; Manufacturer: Green Cell; Capacity: 2200 mAh;



Warranty: 12 months; Cells manufacturer: Green Cell; Voltage: 14.4V (14.8V); Number of cells: 4; Cells technology: Li-Ion; Colour: Black; Overdischarge protection: Yes; Overcharge protection: Yes; Product code: AS47; Manufacturer: Green Cell; Capacity: 2200 mAh;

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Hmotnost 0,23 kg


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